On New Year's Day I went snow shoeing with the Shaws at Donut Falls. When we got out of the car it was a whopping 4 degrees! I am pretty sure that in the shade it was colder than that. I don't think I have been that cold since I got home from the mission! I was really missing the sun in Southern California as we started out!

Wendy, Megan, and me. This was before we were covered in frost from the precipitation from the air we were breathing.
We made it to Donut Falls! Getting there warmed me up pretty good.
I really enjoyed snow shoeing and as you can see the trail was beautiful. If it hadn't been for the bitter cold it would have been perfect.
For part of the hike we had to blaze our own trail through a couple of feet of snow. It was quite the workout! The whole time it felt like being on the ultimate stair stepper! So if you want to know of a good workout just go snow shoeing in fresh snow. I was quite proud of my achievement and had to pose next to my accomplishment.